Personal Development Podcast | Photo of Lisa Sanchez

 Let It Be Easy

A personal development podcast for recovering overachievers

Simple Practices for Creating Ease

Because not everything has to be so hard

Bring more ease into your life with simple practices and wisdom gathered from hundreds of hours of coaching. This podcast encourages you to experiment your way to ease, so that when truly hard things do show up, you’ve got the resilience and reserves to face them.

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Featured Episodes

Personal development podcast | Photo of open book on table

How to speak up in meetings with confidence and authority

Moving from a silent observer to an active and confident contributor in meetings can be daunting for many—especially for those of us who are introverted or underrepresented. I share my story of overcoming these anxieties, as well as practical tips to help you speak up with more confidence.

Personal Development Podcast | Photo of cactus

How to talk to your manager

Your relationship with your manager plays a big role in how satisfied you feel at work. This episode will help you cultivate healthier professional connections and better job satisfaction overall.

This podcast is for you if…

You’re an overachiever struggling to keep up with the demands of life and searching for an easier path forward.

You’re seeking a refreshing and insightful perspective on personal growth – with proven exercises to help you grow.

You're looking for practical strategies to connect with your intuition and create more balance and joy in your life.

You’re searching for a different kind of personal development podcast, one that gently challenges you to dig deeper and uncover your potential.

Personal Development Podcast | Photo of Host Lisa Sanchez

Hi, I’m Lisa Sanchez

Meet your host

I spent far too much of my life stuck in overachiever mode and it all felt far from easy. My need to prove myself made my life so much harder than it needed to be.

I created this podcast as a refuge for other recovering overachievers searching for more ease, where you can learn simple and practical strategies that have worked for both me and my clients. You’ll also hear stories from our journeys of finding our way home to ourselves, so you can learn how you too can let it be easy.

After living in many cities across the globe, I'm now nestled in Santa Fe with my partner, daughter, and rescue pup.

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A personal development podcast for recovering overachievers

Personal Development Podcast | Tap into intuition visualization

Tap into your intuition in just 10 minutes

Download this free 10-minute guided visualization to

  • Learn how to tap into your intuition; learn what it feels like and how to use it to guide your decisions

  • Know how to tell the difference between anxiety and intuition

  • Cultivate self-compassion by understanding and befriending your inner critic

  • Reconnect with your intuition anytime you feel stuck in fear or confusion